

Think Your Encrypted Email Is Secure? It Might Be. . . Or Not!

When sending out an email, a lot can go wrong. To get around that, many people encrypt. And that’s a great solution. But a lot can go wrong with that, too.Is the answer to this to start delivering all your messages by hand or pigeon carrier? No. But it certainly involves having a multi-dimensional view of what it is to send a fully secure email and an understanding of the ways in which we can mess...

Cloudflare’s and Domains Increasingly Abused for Phishing

Fortra has observed a rising trend in legitimate service abuse, with a significant volume of attacks targeting Cloudflare Pages. is a domain used by Cloudflare Workers’ deployment services, while is used by Cloudflare’s Pages platform that facilitates the development of web pages and sites. Fortra’s Suspicious Email Analysis (SEA) team has identified different threats being...

Zero-Day Threats: How Cloud Email Security Can Mitigate Risks

By Q3 2024, organizations encountered credential theft in nearly 50% of all email security threats they handled, while malware grew by 4% which is the highest amount of volume since Q1. Learn how cloud-based solutions can help detect and prevent zero-day attacks like malware and more.

Best Practices for Using Secure Encrypted Email in Business

Attackers increasingly use sophisticated methods to spy on your emails directly, which is why the very information contained therein needs to be encrypted. This is defense in depth, not only protecting your email from without but securing it from within.

Top Threats to Cloud Email Security and How to Mitigate Them

A summary of common threats faced by cloud email systems beyond malware and data breaches, this blog provides actionable tips and best practices for businesses to protect their email systems.

Email Protection Strategies for Modern Enterprises

Modern enterprises need to be able to identify the tactics being used by cybercriminals in email attacks, especially those leveraging advanced technologies like AI. Find out what's at stake and how today's email security solutions can help mitigate these evolving attacks.

Harrowing Tales of Social Engineering Attacks from the Trenches

The social engineering attacks that businesses are seeing today – from hiding payloads in files to commit fraud, to quishing and smishing – and what can be done about them.

Active Phishing Campaign: Twilio SendGrid Abuse

Active Phishing Campaigns are coordinated attacks that Fortra has observed bypassing email security gateways and filtering tools. The following analysis includes examples, high-level details, and associated threat indicators. Sample Email Lure Sample 1: Vishing Example Sample 2: Office365 Phishing Example...

Active Phishing Campaign: QR Code Attachment O365 Attack

Active Phishing Campaigns are coordinated attacks that Fortra has observed bypassing email security gateways and filtering tools. The following analysis includes examples, high-level details, and associated threat indicators. Sample Email Lure Sender...

Active Phishing Campaign: Form Assembly Abuse

Active Phishing Campaigns are coordinated attacks that Fortra has observed bypassing email security gateways and filtering tools. The following analysis includes examples, high-level details, and associated threat indicators. To protect the privacy of Fortra’s clients, the brand targeted in this attack has been anonymized and is generically referred to as “Brand” whenever their name appears in the...

Harnessing Data Science and AI in Cybersecurity

In this Solutions Review article, Ravisha Chugh from Fortra explains how companies are harnessing data science and AI technologies in their cybersecurity initiatives.

Will 2024’s Presidential Election Day Be Groundhog Day When It Comes to Nation-State Email Attacks?

With 2024's presidential election around the corner, Fortra discusses the blunt-force impact of campaigns not hardening their cybersecurity, such as campaign impersonation, donation scams and fraud, and the possibility that it will be cybercriminals who decide the next President of the United States—not voters.

Understanding DMARC Reports

Why is it so important to analyze DMARC reports? Well, it makes it so organizations can detect malicious emails and prioritize source configuration, all of which is crucial for maintaining their email security.

How to Defend Against Stegomalware

Stegomalware is still a relatively unknown term but is becoming more widely leveraged in malware. So you need to know about this semi-low-tech, yet innovative tactic that is imperceptible to the human eye.

What You Need to Know About Stegomalware

It all sounds like the stuff of Sherlock Holmes or “Mission Impossible”, but steganographic malware, or stegomalware for short, is a real thing that broadly describes a host of tactics used to hide data in plain sight.

How to Set Up DMARC: Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to configure DMARC for your company’s email with a step-by-step guide. We’ll cover everything you need — from prerequisites to adding DMARC to your DNS — so you can secure your domain against email spoofing. Before we dive in, here’s a quick high-level overview of the process.Add your DMARC record into your DNSSelect the TXT record typeAdd the host value (see details below)Add the value...