Financial Institutions

Focusing on your business plan requires securing your organization and brand from the threat posed by advanced email attacks.

Many of the Top 10 Global Banks Use Fortra's Agari



Financial Institutions Targeted

Banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions use Agari to protect against advanced email attacks that bypass legacy security controls.

In fact, when cybercriminals impersonate a brand, they choose banks or electronic payments providers 60% of the time.

When they target knowledge workers and administrators with access to sensitive information and systems, they know the rewards can be huge.

Read our case study on a LA-based federal credit union.


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Advanced Email Security Solution Suite

Agari stays one step ahead of fraudsters because it understands the identity and trust relationships behind the email message. Our solutions know what good emails and sender behavior looks like, so we can stop the bad.

Financial institutions use Agari to fully automate DMARC implementation. This accelerates deployment, reduces time to enforcement and helps them stay there.

Agari also protects staff from disruptive advanced email attacks and supports the Security Operations Center with workflow automation for incident response.

Check out all of Fortra's Advanced Email Security solutions.

Challenges & Solutions

Always-on protection for your brand and organization.

Common spear phishing tactics include “Suspicious Activity” alerts from a technology provider or a “time-sensitive payment” request, but the attacks constantly evolve.

The objective: Con people out of login credentials, get them to transfer funds, or some other seemingly legitimate, but harmful action.

Agari understands the relationships between sender and recipient, recognizes anomalous signs and behaviors within context, and keeps spear phishing attacks out of employee inboxes.

Read our blog on spear phishing.

Fraudsters routinely phish customers of financial institutions because they know they’ll get a high click thru on fake emails branded as if from banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, etc. This can have a devastating impact on customers and businesses alike.

Agari provides fully automated support for rapid DMARC implementation and includes protection from display name deception and look alike domains to ferret out attacks that would otherwise bypass secure email gateways (SEGs).  

Download Agari DMARC Protection solution brief.

Email provides fraudsters with a convenient way to deliver customized malware, remote access trojans and computer viruses. These lack a recognizable “digital signature” so they slip past legacy defenses.

Identity deception is often used to deliver these payloads, but the lack of good email and behavioral history makes these attacks stand out to Agari.

Agari's advanced data science technology is uniquely able to defend against zero-day attacks that have never been seen before.

Read our blog on zero-day attacks.

Email security training is part of a layered defense, but in addition to legitimate incidents it can also generate false positives – often many of them.

Agari cuts Security Operations Center response time by up to 95% for employee-reported incident triage, forensics, remediation and breach containment.

Breaches that otherwise take months to discover are detected and contained in mere minutes. And automated impersonation, URL, and file analysis detects malicious content that easily evades traditional secure email gateways (SEGs).

See Suspicious Email Analysis.

Cybercriminals often target known security gaps and naturally prefer easy targets.

As organizations adopt Agari solutions, they often see significant reductions in fraud within a matter of weeks. Overall attack volumes drop precipitously as cybercriminals seek out new, more vulnerable targets.

Fortra's threat analysts' extensive experience helps many organizations fight back against these attackers and publishes regular reports detailing findings from active engagements with cyberthreat actors.

View PhishLabs' complementary Threat Intelligence Service brief.

