

What is DMARC? Effects on Email Spoofing & Deliverability

Wondering how DMARC affects email? Here’s a comprehensive guide explaining what DMARC is, how it affects email, and why your company needs it for security.What is DMARC?What does DMARC mean? DMARC, short for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance, is an email authentication protocol to help email administrators prevent fraudsters from spoofing email domains by specifying...

Newly-Enhanced Agari Splunk App Integrates Phishing Threat Data into Splunk SIEM Solutions

A newly-enhanced Agari App for Splunk integrates email threat data from both Cloud Email Protection and Agari DMARC Protection directly into Splunk SIEM, with support for Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud. This comes at a pivotal time. We’re over a year into the pandemic, with an estimated 57% of corporate employees still working remotely and the prospect of transitioning to new, hybrid office...

Protecting Digital Communications During the Digital Transformation: A Look Back at Trust 2021

While we’re all Zoomed, Webexed and Teamed out after thirteen months of the pandemic, cybercriminals are taking advantage of the situation. They know we’re heavily relying on digital communications and they’re sending fake emails, pretending to be your boss. They’re sending fake invoices, pretending to be your vendor. They’re even sending fake requests for gift cards, on the off-chance that...

Agari Simplifies Microsoft 365 Integration & Delivers New Visibility into B2B Domain Abuse

Protecting employees, customers, and partners against email security threats is about to become simpler and more effective, thanks to new features in our latest product release. It couldn't happen at a more pivotal moment.According to a new report from the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), 2020 was as bad as you thought it was. The number of reported email attacks against US companies...

Big Email Concern: IC3 Report Confirms that BEC (Unsurprisingly) Remains a Problem

When it comes to reports from the security industry, one of our yearly favorites is the IC3 Internet Crime Report, which covers all cybercrime reported to the FBI. Each year, the report provides breakdowns on the confirmed losses victims face across the globe. While the crimes are heavily focused in the United States, the FBI receives victim reports across the globe, giving a non-biased, non...

Stray Emails: How to Prevent a Critical Cyber Security Vulnerability

The pervasive threat that cybercriminals pose to the security of critical information has dominated media headlines over the past year. Major data breaches, from Uber’s data theft cover up to the 147.9 million American’s affected by the attack on Equifax, have shifted the focus to the damage cybercriminals can do to an organization. However, whilst cyber-attacks from external forces continue to...

DMARC 101 (Part II) – DMARC Fills the Holes Left by SPF and DKIM

You can catch up on Part 1 here.As we discussed in part one of this series, SPF and DKIM are important foundational standards for email authentication. But, even after an email sender has fully deployed SPF and DKIM, there are still three key elements of email authentication equation missing—and that's what led to the development of DMARC.#1: Which Matters More: SPF or DKIM?First, there is no way...

Public Sector Cybersecurity Priorities in 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed working patterns for good. What are the implications for public sector organizations and what can they do to improve their cybersecurity posture?

DMARC 101 (Part I) – S/MIME, SPF, and DKIM

Why do you need DMARC to protect your email domains from being leveraged in phishing attacks? To get the full picture, let's look at the basics—and how DMARC came to be.What is DMARC?Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance, or DMARC, is an open email authentication protocol that helps senders protect their email domains from being spoofed by fraudsters in phishing attacks and...

How to Enhance Data Loss Prevention in Office 365

In this webinar, Nick Hogg, Director of Technical Training, talks through the data risk challenges with Office 365 and looks at ways you can further protect your critical data and secure your installation from cyber threats.

Outlook Spam Reporter

With an ever growing need for secure business communication and collaboration methods, email still remains the primary means for most organizations to do business. However, the challenge for some organizations is how to communicate securely to their customers.Business ProblemEmail is a tool used by every business, unfortunately this also means that Email is also used by spammers and worse still...

5 Lessons The NHS Cyber-Attack Has Taught Us

Many of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) Trusts have been taken back to pen and paper after Friday’s much publicized cyber-attack that saw IT systems infected with Ransomware and others taken offline to prevent infection.

BIMI: What It Is & Why It Matters to Email Security

Curious how BIMI can protect your email? I’ll explain what BIMI is, how it works, and how you can use it to protect your brand’s email communications.What is BIMI?Brand Indicators for Message Identification, or BIMI, provides a standardized method for businesses to showcase their brand logo next to the subject line of their authenticated emails so they stand out in crowded inboxes, with built-in...

Managing Cybersecurity Risk in the Supply Chain

In this guide we examine today’s expanding attack surfaces, look at real world supply chain attack examples and offer guidance on how to mitigate risk by incorporating a comprehensive cyber and data security strategy.

Managing Supply Chain Cybersecurity Risk

Discover how Clearswift mitigates the risks associated with an organization’s supply chain while keeping business communications progressing.

Email Security: Agari Delivers a Whole New Level of Actionable Insight to Outpace Threat Actors

CISOs and their teams are about to get some serious performance enhancers in their high-stakes race against email security threats. According to the FBI, phishing campaigns, business email compromise (BEC) scams, and other advanced email attacks have resulted in $26 billion in business losses over the course of three years. Then 2020 happened. With 75 million corporate employees even now still...

How to Make Oauth2 Play Nice with EKS Ingress

Over the course of my technical career, I’ve always thought of Oauth2 to, frankly, be a bit of a pain. Oauth2 offers a mind boggling amount of possibilities and is the basis of many authorization workflows.However, I have found the documentation and supporting examples of how to integrate Oauth2 somewhat lacking. I hope that someone out in the ether will find this blog post and save a few days of...

DMARC: 3 Best Practices for Capturing Next-Level Business Value

Implementing DMARC at its highest enforcement level is critically important to security and messaging operations. But it's also just the first step to realizing the full value of your DMARC program.To understand why, let's start with the basics. DMARC, which stands for Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance, can stop fraudsters from spoofing your domain and impersonating...