

Business Email Compromise (BEC): W2 Scams Make an Unexpected Comeback in 2020

After barely registering a pulse last year, W2-based business email compromise (BEC) scams are back with a vengeance thanks to coronavirus-related business upheaval. With the 2019 tax filing deadline pushed back to July 15, 2020, and as much as 66% of all corporate employees working from home, operations for many companies have been anything but business as usual. Still we are surprised to see a...

The Unknown Threat Report

We surveyed 1,000 UK public sector employees to discover the current cybersecurity state-of-play, specifically within local and central government.

Hosted DMARC: Accelerating Protection Against Email-based Brand Jacking Scams

The coronavirus pandemic is shining a spotlight on the importance of hosted Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) to prevent cybercriminals from hijacking an organization's domains to launch phishing attacks that put the public at risk. A case in point - the World Health Organization (WHO). The UN's international public health agency has been issuing warnings...

Business Email Compromise (BEC) Scams: COVID-19 Related Email Attacks Top Threat to Financial Services

With billions of dollars in stimulus being earmarked for US companies and individuals reeling from the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic, business email compromise (BEC) rings are angling for a piece of the pie. At the top of the menu: banks, lenders, and other financial services organizations chartered with managing key facets of this unprecedented distribution effort. But for an...

COVID-19 Credential Phishing Scams: Feeding Off Coronavirus Fears

Since the beginning of February, we have seen more than a 3,000% increase in Coronavirus-themed phishing attacks targeting our customers. The spike in attacks is as logical as it is repugnant. With an estimated 75 million employees more reliant than ever on email during the largest "work-from-home experiment" in history, phishing scammers and other threat actors seem hellbent on exploiting...

Phishing and BEC Scams Targeting Remote Workers are on the Rise

Government officials are issuing fresh warnings about COVID-19 related business email compromise (BEC) scams targeting legions of remote workers participating in what has become "the world's largest work-from-home experiment."The troubling rise in success rates for these attacks could have serious implications for the future of email security.In just the last few weeks, cybercriminals...

Romance Scams and Business Email Compromise in the Time of Coronavirus

As cybercrime gangs exploit COVID-19 to target the lonely, victims (and their banks) could get jilted out of millions. Law enforcement agencies around the world are reporting a surge in romance scams as fraudsters seek to cash in on the profound loneliness many people are feeling due to social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic. Those who fall prey could face financial ruin or get conned...

As More Phishing Attacks Evade Detection, Increased Automation and Visibility Are Key

With a growing number of phishing attacks successfully eluding email security controls, losses for businesses and their customers have been mounting fast—and that's before the current tsunami of email scams seeking to exploit the coronavirus pandemic.The good news: Our Spring '20 Release is here to help change that.Since the beginning of March, Agari scored more than 73 million inbound messages...

Lightning Can Strike Twice: Marriott International Suffers Second Data Breach

It feels like only 18 months ago that international hotel group Marriott was subject to a data breach in which hackers stole the records of 339 million guests. That’s because it *was* only 18 months ago, and yet despite Marriott being fined almost £100m by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it has fallen victim to another significant data breach.

BEC Gift Card Scams Move Online During COVID-19 Pandemic

With 60 million corporate employees working remotely due to the Coronavirus outbreak, cybercriminals are switching up their tactics in business email compromise (BEC) scams.In what has been called the "world's largest work-from-home experiment," organizations around the globe are being forced to quickly transition to a remote workforce, ready or not. Cybercriminals have opportunistically adjusted...

Business Email Compromise (BEC): Security Risks from your 'Out-of-Office' Reply

As if coronavirus hasn't put enough of a damper on vacation schedules this spring, corporate employees taking time off might want to rethink their "out of office" email settings for fear a different threat: Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams.Sure, the temptation to share humorous details about your big spring adventure can be irresistible for a certain species of corporate denizen (especially...

Business Email Compromise (BEC): Coronavirus a Costly New Strain of Email Attack

Unique BEC Approach May Be a Sign of Things to Come in the Age of COVID-19Amid a sharp rise in coronavirus-related phishing attacks worldwide, Fortra identified what may be the first documented use of the pandemic as a lure in an emerging breed of business email compromise (BEC) scams that can fleece businesses out of millions.In January, we published a post about an email crime ring code named...