

What is Account Takeover?

TranscriptAccount takeover is a type of attack technique where a cybercriminal will initially compromise an email account, and then use that legitimate email account to launch subsequent attacks such as business email compromise, and spear phishing.Agari stops email account takeover by scrutinizing the sender of the email sent to the recipient. They'll leverage...

What is Spear Phishing?

VP Channel Marketing, Mandeep Khera, discusses why traditional security controls cannot stop modern spear phishing attacks.

What is Consumer Phishing?

Transcript So, consumer phishing is the process of a cybercriminal sending an email to a consumer that is impersonating a large brand. Agari was one of the co-authors of an internet protocol called DMARC, which implements email authentication to stop phishing on a brand by brand, actually a domain by domain basis. So, the way it works is that you publish a list of...
On-Demand Webinar

Silent Starling and the Emergence of VEC

Silent Starling is a newly discovered cybercriminal group comprised of Nigerian cybercriminals, intent on scamming as much as they can from their victims through a new attack type named vendor email compromise (VEC). Watch this webinar to learn: What VEC is and how it differs from other major attacks Why VEC is the largest threat for your supply chain Which of your employees are most likely...

Using Agari in Messaging Operations

Transcript The number one email-based challenge that businesses face today is stopping the advanced identity-based attack. This is the attack where the bad guy impersonates one of your high-value employees and then uses that impersonated email to either get money out of the company via a wire transfer, or to get credentials and get into the company systems to...

Combating Surging Email-Based Attacks Through DMARC

Email-based cyber-attacks are surging amid the shift to remote working, and are a major security headache for businesses. Indeed, it is now the most common attack vector used by cyber-criminals to infiltrate networks; for example, to infect businesses with ransomware. In this landscape, organizations must update their email security practices, leveraging the most up-to-date tools and processes.One...

Agari DMARC Protection Explainer

Transcript Email remains the most popular method for business communications. It's also the number one target for cyber attacks.And one malicious email is all it takes to destroy years of building a trusted relationship with your customer which is why DMARC is an essential email security solution that prevents cyber attacks from hijacking your domains for email spoofing, executive impersonation,...

How and Why COVID-19 is Being Used for BEC and Phishing Attacks

Phishing and Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks always take advantage of natural disasters and personal misfortune to target even the most vulnerable among us. This time is no different as we are all experiencing the COVID-19 outbreak, but the tactics can be spotted and defeated. In this webinar Crane Hassold, Agari's former Senior Director of Threat Research, provides an inside look into...

Using Agari in Marketing

TranscriptEmail security is often overlooked when thinking about brand protection, but it's actually very pivotal. On one hand, I want to make sure as a CMO that I am disallowing anyone from co-opting my brand to spoof consumers or customers. That's very important to me. On the other hand, I want to make sure that my email, my legitimate message that I'm sharing...

Chevron Federal Credit Union

"On the outbound side, our biggest asset is our brand. Being able to have that confidence that our customer base is invaluable to us." - Sachin Kundra, Vice President of Information Security

Farm Bureau Bank

"Since email security is so important, we work very hard to ensure the transport of email is done efficiently as we as securely." - Howard Gordon, Vice President and Information Security Officer

What's New with Clearswift V5.4.3?

Learn about the V5.4.3 Clearswift updates, what's on the roadmap for Clearswift features, and how to voice your feature priorities.

Informatica Gains Visibility into Threats by Using Fortra

Listen to Bill Burns, Chief Trust Officer and VP of Business Transformation for Informatica, speak about his experience working with Fortra's Agari. Transcript I'm Bill Burns, Chief Trust Officer and VP of Business Transformation for Informatica. I've been working with Fortra's Agari for about six years at previous companies, introducing them to solve specific...