Combating Surging Email-Based Attacks Through DMARC

Email-based cyber-attacks are surging amid the shift to remote working, and are a major security headache for businesses. Indeed, it is now the most common attack vector used by cyber-criminals to infiltrate networks; for example, to infect businesses with ransomware. In this landscape, organizations must update their email security practices, leveraging the most up-to-date tools and processes.

One of the most effective and simplest ways to tackle email spoofing is Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC), an email validation protocol that can prevent the delivery of unauthorised email from your domain. However, it can be challenging to implement, particularly for larger businesses.

In this session, a panel of experts will highlight how DMARC can significantly enhance your organization’s security posture, and outline best practices for implementing the protocol in a non-disruptive way.

Join this session to learn:

  • What is DMARC and the difference it can make to organizations’ security
  • The challenges businesses regularly face in implementing DMARC
  • Best practices for DMARC implementation, for all types of businesses



Learn how Agari DMARC Protection automates DMARC email authentication and enforcement to prevent brand abuse and protect your customers from costly phishing attacks.

Watch the Overview Video