

Top Threats to Cloud Email Security and How to Mitigate Them

A summary of common threats faced by cloud email systems beyond malware and data breaches, this blog provides actionable tips and best practices for businesses to protect their email systems.

Email Protection Strategies for Modern Enterprises

Modern enterprises need to be able to identify the tactics being used by cybercriminals in email attacks, especially those leveraging advanced technologies like AI. Find out what's at stake and how today's email security solutions can help mitigate these evolving attacks.

Harrowing Tales of Social Engineering Attacks from the Trenches

The social engineering attacks that businesses are seeing today – from hiding payloads in files to commit fraud, to quishing and smishing – and what can be done about them.

Understanding DMARC Reports

Why is it so important to analyze DMARC reports? Well, it makes it so organizations can detect malicious emails and prioritize source configuration, all of which is crucial for maintaining their email security.

What is the Relationship Between Ransomware and Phishing?

Ransomware and phishing are usually put in two separate categories when cyberattack methodologies are discussed. However, ransomware operators are increasingly leveraging phishing tactics to deploy their malicious payloads, and the potential for compromise is exponentiating as a result. Ransomware and Phishing - a match made in heaven Phishing is the number one delivery vehicle for ransomware...

Emails Reported as Malicious Reach Four-Quarter High in Q3

The volume of malicious emails reported in corporate inboxes has reached a four-quarter high, according to the latest data from Fortra's PhishLabs.

DKIM vs. SPF Email Standards: Do I Need Them Both?

When it comes to email authentication standards, should you use DKIM, SPF, or both? We’re going to cover these terms, when you should use them, what they do—and how best to protect your email domains.Is it DKIM vs. SPF—or BOTH?Should the battle really be DKIM vs. SPF? While not mandatory, it’s highly recommended to use both SPF and DKIM to protect your email domains from spoofing attacks and fraud...

Top Social Media Threats Targeting the Retail Industry

Social media threats targeting enterprises more than doubled last year. Attacks on the retail industry specifically have grown, as threat actors are targeting victims with impersonation and counterfeit ad campaigns. Purchasing behavior is increasingly influenced by social media, making it an attractive vector for these kinds of campaigns. The tendency of social media users to consume information...

2022 Data Privacy Week – Education and Inspiration

As the world becomes more and more dependent on online resources to complete daily tasks, such as work meetings, grocery shopping, and even exercising, the risk of cyber attacks, data breaches, and information stealing increases. If you’re not already protecting your personal information online, now is the perfect time to start, as Data Privacy Weeks kicks off today. Led by the National Cyber...

How to Make Oauth2 Play Nice with EKS Ingress

Over the course of my technical career, I’ve always thought of Oauth2 to, frankly, be a bit of a pain. Oauth2 offers a mind boggling amount of possibilities and is the basis of many authorization workflows.However, I have found the documentation and supporting examples of how to integrate Oauth2 somewhat lacking. I hope that someone out in the ether will find this blog post and save a few days of...

Protecting our Clients from Email Spoofing: Our DMARC Journey

This post originally appeared on the Armadillo Blog and has been lightly edited for clarity. Most organizations have been successful in blocking malicious emails targeted at their employees, at least to some extent. Various on-premise and cloud providers exist to take care of anti-spam, anti-virus, reputation scores, and advanced features such as sandboxing of executables.As a service provider...

Don’t Let Your Customers Be Fooled By Cousin Domains

In the last five years, we’ve all become far too familiar with it – hackers spoofing a company’s domain and therefore tarnishing the brand, bad actors attempting to infect our computers with malware, and criminals sending millions of spam messages. As if this isn’t enough, now there is a whole group of people working to outsmart companies AND their customers by using cousin domains to fool...

DMARC Deployment Tips & Tricks: PermError SPF

This is the start of a new ongoing series for us that gives you the tips and tricks you need for successful DMARC deployment.What does "PermError SPF Permanent Error: Too many DNS lookups" mean?There are several safeguards put in place with SPF. One of these is a limitation of DNS lookups to help ensure that you do not have timeout issues. SPF will evaluate only 10 DNS mechanism lookups in an SPF...

DMARC is Transformational

The Benefits of Monitor ModeWhen a technology exists that can tell you if and when your domains are being spoofed (and by who), why would you not use it?!What is DMARC?DMARC was created to address some fundamental problems with existing email authentication technologies (SPF and DKIM). It provides feedback about your email authentication implementation and gives ISPs (Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft,...