
On-Demand Webinar

How to Protect Against Advanced Email Threats

Unfortunately, the bad news about data breaches, cybersecurity scams, and email attacks is constant and the numbers are more staggering with each year. Learn which steps to take now to protect your organization’s email ecosystem, such as collecting threat intelligence, mitigating against brand impersonation, and training your employees on security awareness, all while maintaining compliance.

Email Security Best Practices: How to Protect Against Advanced Threats

Unfortunately, the bad news about data breaches, cybersecurity scams, and email attacks is constant and the numbers are more staggering with each year. Learn which steps to take now to protect your organization’s email ecosystem, such as collecting threat intelligence, mitigating against brand impersonation, and training your employees on security awareness, all while maintaining compliance. That...
On-Demand Webinar

How to Prepare for PCI DSS 4.0

Let’s face it: staying compliant is complicated and can take a great deal of time and resources. This may be why less than 28 percent of organizations say they are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Even though complex, not compiling with PCI DSS can have devastating consequences. Now that PCI DSS 4.0 has arrived, there is even more to contend with for...
On-Demand Webinar

Q2 2022 Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Webinar

Throughout Q2, Agari and PhishLabs detected and mitigated hundreds of thousands of phishing, social media, email, and dark web threats targeting a broad range of enterprises and brands. The Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence Report provides an analysis of the latest findings and insights into key trends shaping the threat landscape. In our Quarterly Threat Trends & Intelligence webinar in...
On-Demand Webinar

Simplifying DMARC Email Authentication with Agari DMARC Protection

In this webinar, discover how Agari DMARC Protection automates and simplifies DMARC email authentication so you can get to policy=reject faster. You will gain valuable insights, such as: The challenge and limits of DMARC. The benefits of hosted DMARC, BIMI, SPF, and DKIM records. How automated discovery helps quickly identify email senders. Ways to quickly investigate unknown senders. Tips...

Protecting Remote Employees from Phishing and BEC Attacks

Email is even more crucial as a collaboration tool while we are all working from home and taking other precautions to stay safe and healthy. Hackers, cybercriminals, and other bad actors are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic for their own personal gain, and it’s your job to ensure your workforce is protected from harm. How do you enable the productivity of your now remote workforce, while...
On-Demand Webinar

Next-Level DMARC

Achieving strong DMARC enforcement is a major milestone for protecting your business, customers, and partners from email attacks that spoof your domain and hijack your brand. But “p=reject” is not the end of the road — it’s just one step towards capturing maximum, ongoing business value of your DMARC program. In this webinar, you’ll discover how to leverage your DMARC investment to deliver...

Forrester Webinar: Risk of Third-Party Impersonation & BEC Scams

Ever since the first spam email message, we have been at war with cyber criminals, who seek to subvert our email communications. We are experiencing an online arms race: As anti-spam solutions improve, criminals find ways around these defenses. Business Email Compromise (BEC) is an area where the criminals have the upper hand against traditional Secure Email Gateways (SEGs). According to Agari’s...

What is Social Engineering?

Transcript Social engineering is the use of idiosyncrasies of the way our brains work to trick us into doing something we would otherwise not do.Let me give you an example. Suppose that you live in an apartment complex that has a secure gate and everyone at that complex has been told, "Don't let strangers in. Don't hold the door for anyone." I could use a few...

What is Ransomware?

Transcript Ransomware really is continuing to be that go-to attack for attackers, and it's really one of the most effective ways that they have to extort businesses and compromise user data. How does ransomware work? Well, typically, it's delivered via infected email attachments or via compromised websites or contact management systems.Here at Agari, we actually...

What is a Data Breach?

Transcript A data breach occurs anytime somebody has unauthorized access to data. In a corporate sense, this can be anytime that an employee internally is able to access data that they do not have permission for, or more specifically, when somebody outside of the organization is able to gain access inside the organization by using compromised credentials or some...

What is Business Email Compromise?

Transcript I recently read a press release from the Federal Bureau of Investigation that reported more than $12 billion in financial fraud losses from a vector they call business email compromise. Here at Agari, we think of business email compromise as any attack which claims to be someone you know and trust, and is attempting some kind of theft. The most classic...