

Zero-Day Threats: How Cloud Email Security Can Mitigate Risks

By Q3 2024, organizations encountered credential theft in nearly 50% of all email security threats they handled, while malware grew by 4% which is the highest amount of volume since Q1. Learn how cloud-based solutions can help detect and prevent zero-day attacks like malware and more.

Top Threats to Cloud Email Security and How to Mitigate Them

A summary of common threats faced by cloud email systems beyond malware and data breaches, this blog provides actionable tips and best practices for businesses to protect their email systems.

Email Protection Strategies for Modern Enterprises

Modern enterprises need to be able to identify the tactics being used by cybercriminals in email attacks, especially those leveraging advanced technologies like AI. Find out what's at stake and how today's email security solutions can help mitigate these evolving attacks.

Harrowing Tales of Social Engineering Attacks from the Trenches

The social engineering attacks that businesses are seeing today – from hiding payloads in files to commit fraud, to quishing and smishing – and what can be done about them.

Harnessing Data Science and AI in Cybersecurity

In this Solutions Review article, Ravisha Chugh from Fortra explains how companies are harnessing data science and AI technologies in their cybersecurity initiatives.

How to Defend Against Stegomalware

Stegomalware is still a relatively unknown term but is becoming more widely leveraged in malware. So you need to know about this semi-low-tech, yet innovative tactic that is imperceptible to the human eye.

What You Need to Know About Stegomalware

It all sounds like the stuff of Sherlock Holmes or “Mission Impossible”, but steganographic malware, or stegomalware for short, is a real thing that broadly describes a host of tactics used to hide data in plain sight.

Preventing Email Leaks in Business Environments

By understanding email data leaks, their value to attackers, and their root causes, organizations can stay savvy and set up the right tools to thwart many email-targeting attempts.

How to Run Simulated Phishing Campaigns

Here's how to run a simulated phishing campaign to test and train your employees before they receive an actual phishing email. What is a Phishing Campaign?To be clear, when we say “phishing campaign,” we’re not referring to malicious, black-hat phishing campaigns. A simulated phishing campaign is part of an internal training program to raise employee awareness about real-world phishing attacks and...

Six Steps to Email Security Best Practice

To help IT teams define a robust email security policy and determine what’s required from an email security solution, we’ve put together a new six-step guide.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year… for Cybercriminals

The holiday season is upon us, which means it’s also the busiest time of the year for online shopping. There’s Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and gifts to buy for loved ones. Plus, gifts to buy for yourself when the deals are this good! But beware, for cybercriminals ‘tis also the season to scam millions of dollars from unsuspecting people and companies. They’re banking on people being in a rush and...

TLS Email Encryption: What It Is & How to Check if Your Email Is Using It

What exactly is TLS when it comes to email encryption? TLS, or cybersecurity protocol Transport Layer Security first developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), was designed to establish secure communications that provide both privacy and data security. Originally created from another encryption protocol called Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL...

What is Email Spoofing & How to Stop Attackers from Spoofing Your Email Address

What is email spoofing, how does it work, and why is it so dangerous to your company? We’ll explain everything you need to proactively stop attackers from spoofing your email address.Email Spoofing: What Is It?Email spoofing is when a fraudster forges an email header’s ‘From’ address to make it appear as if it was sent by someone else, usually a known contact like a high-level executive or trusted...

Phishing: How to Protect Against Email Attacks Sent from Compromised SendGrid Accounts

Blocking SendGrid email traffic isn't a realistic option for most businesses hit by a barrage of phishing attacks emanating from compromised accounts at the Twilio-owned email service provider in recent months. Instead, Agari leverages a strategic data modeling approach to neutralize the threat while enabling legitimate SendGrid-distributed emails to safely reach employee inboxes. More on that in...

Forrester: Agari Phishing Defense Works a 97% ROI Over Three Years

A new Total Economic Impact (TEI) Study from Forrester finds that Agari Phishing Defense™ (APD) delivered results 36% faster than competing solutions, and results in a 97% ROI in just three years.But it turns out that's just the warm-up act.TEI reports are designed to help organizations accurately evaluate potential IT initiatives. In this instance, we commissioned the study so Forrester analysts...

COVID-19 Credential Phishing Scams: Feeding Off Coronavirus Fears

Since the beginning of February, we have seen more than a 3,000% increase in Coronavirus-themed phishing attacks targeting our customers. The spike in attacks is as logical as it is repugnant. With an estimated 75 million employees more reliant than ever on email during the largest "work-from-home experiment" in history, phishing scammers and other threat actors seem hellbent on exploiting...

Phishing Attacks: Top 3 Reasons Healthcare Employees Are Prime Targets

A growing body of evidence suggests employees throughout the healthcare sector may be uniquely vulnerable to phishing attacks. If finding itself a growing target for cybercriminals weren’t bad enough, the industry is also seeing associated lawsuits piling up.Montana-based Kalispell Regional Healthcare was recently hit with a suit after it disclosed that multiple employees had fallen victim to...

Understanding Email Identity

One of the things that often stumps even the most security conscious companies is knowing all the third-party email service providers they are working with. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible for these organizations to protect their customers from phishing attacks if they don’t even know who is sending legitimate email on their behalf. And this gets even more challenging when you...

Security Professional Pain Points – and How to Solve Them

Ask any security professional what the number one pain point is within their organization, and chances are they’ll say ‘user behavior’…with ‘malware’ coming in as a very close second. And while these issues are very different on the surface, they do have one thing in common: both are often the cause of high-profile data breaches, largely in part to the increased use of spear phishing email...