

Scattered Canary Threat Dossier

Business email compromise (BEC) has continued to grow into a billion-dollar industry as cybercriminals turn to it as their preferred scam. But with the West African gang we’ve named Scattered Canary, we have deeper insight into how BEC is connected to the rest of cybercrime, and why it has grown in recent years.Download the threat dossier to learn:How Scattered Canary grew from a one-man startup...

Download the 2022 Email Fraud & Identity Deception Trends Report

In 2021 alone, the FBI's IC3 report published that over $44 million in losses were a direct result of effective phishing and advanced email scams. The Agari Cyber Intelligence Division analyzed trillions of emails and nearly 500 million Internet domains to uncover the scope and impact of this email fraud… and the trends that benchmark enterprise security teams’ ability to respond to email threats....

Ransomware: Exploring the Leading Cyber Extortion Tool

Ransomware has evolved from targeting individuals to extorting large sums of money from businesses with the threat of releasing or destroying their private company data. This type of email-based attack can cause tremendous financial losses as well as reputation damage that’s difficult and expensive to repair. Read our ransomware white paper now for insights from Agari Chief Scientist Markus...

Domains Associated with Exaggerated Lion BEC Campaigns

Below is the list of domains associated with Exaggerated Lion BEC Campaigns. You can access the PDF version of this list by clicking the "Download PDF Version" button at the top of this page.

Getting Started with DMARC: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

Advanced email attacks against healthcare organizations can result in breached patient data, stolen funds, and brand damage. With DMARC, your organization can secure its email channel, prevent phishing, and maintain the trust you’ve earned with your patients, partners, and providers. Read this white paper to learn: What DMARC is and how it works; The benefits of DMARC for your employees,...

Federal Agency Plan of Action Guide & Template

To meet DHS’ Binding Operational Directive (BOD) 18-01, agencies were required to submit a Federal agency plan of action to improve email and web security by November 15th. If this deadline came and went without submission – we have you covered. Leverage our Agency Plan of Action template and follow our guide that includes a timeline with key milestones to ensure you comply with BOD 18-01. Our...

Fortra Email Security + Microsoft 365

A majority of companies are shifting to Microsoft 365. See why integrating Fortra Email Security is needed to protect your email environment.

Healthcare Cybersecurity Infographic

We surveyed senior IT decision makers working in the industry to find out the current cybersecurity state-of-play and identity the risks that present the greatest threats. The following infographic illustrates the survey’s key findings.

BEC: Why This Basic Threat Is Difficult to Detect

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is “one of the most financially damaging online crimes” according to the FBI1. It is a cunning form of email impersonation that, when combined with human error, can be incredibly disruptive and damaging.

PCI Compliance Best Practices

While the database issues and solutions are well known, the real challenge is around unstructured data, where credit card information finds its way into email and documents, these are then transferred around and outside the organization creating unnecessary risk.

Controlling Classified Information

This guide demonstrates how Clearswift’s Secure Email Gateway and Secure ICAP Gateway work together with classification tools, from vendors such as Janusnet or Titus, to provide a combined information classification and data loss prevention solution that’s both easy to use and secure.

Email Encryption Best Practices

Email continues to be the lifeblood of organizations today. With changes to legislation and the increased attention on data breaches now is the time to revisit your email solution and policies to improve the security of the information that flows through it – both inbound and outbound.

The GDPR Divide: Board Views vs. Middle Management

Clearswift recently surveyed 600 business decision makers and 1,200 employees, across the UK, US, Germany and Australia, and found that board level respondents are more confident about having the necessary processes in place to be GDPR-compliant than senior management are.

Customer Support Handbook

Clearswift is dedicated to optimising the success of our customers and to attaining the highest levels of customer satisfaction through the delivery of professional, efficient and high quality support across the Clearswift product portfolio.

Preparing for a Cyber-Breach

This guide will help organizations prepare for a cyber-breach and provides an outline plan to help cope with the situation. A plan will prevent panic – the last thing needed while undergoing a security incident.

Augmenting Existing Security Infrastructure

Today, all organizations have information security technology in place, but much of it is centered on ‘traditional’ security applications. For example, anti-virus as part of an endpoint security solution, firewalls, and intrusion detection/prevention systems on the network.