

Zero-Day Threats: How Cloud Email Security Can Mitigate Risks

By Q3 2024, organizations encountered credential theft in nearly 50% of all email security threats they handled, while malware grew by 4% which is the highest amount of volume since Q1. Learn how cloud-based solutions can help detect and prevent zero-day attacks like malware and more.

How Banks are Adapting to Digital Disruption and Data Privacy Regulations

Digital disruption, changing consumer demographics and preferences on how they engage with their banks, along with burgeoning regulatory requirements are having far-reaching repercussions on banking. And banking executives are feeling the pressure!Digital DisruptionBanks that resist digital transformation will be punished by their customers, experiencing a marked erosion in profit margins. In...

How Fortra's Clearswift Secure Email Gateway Aligns to NCSC's Email Security Guidelines

Working in cybersecurity is one of the most challenging roles in the organisation. Not only are you tasked with keeping the business and its data safe and secure, but you must do so in the face of ever-increasing professionalism and sophistication on the part of cybercriminals.There are more threats than ever before, and the consequences of a data breach are more significant too. In recent Fortra...

The Royal & BlackCat Ransomware: What you Need to Know

The US healthcare sector continues to be aggressively targeted by ransomware operators. Royal and BlackCat are two of the more recent – and highly sophisticated – ransomware threats. These two new flavors of ransomware pose serious potential impacts on the healthcare sector, but there are appropriate mitigation and defense strategies that organizations can take to protect against them. What is...

What is the Relationship Between Ransomware and Phishing?

Ransomware and phishing are usually put in two separate categories when cyberattack methodologies are discussed. However, ransomware operators are increasingly leveraging phishing tactics to deploy their malicious payloads, and the potential for compromise is exponentiating as a result. Ransomware and Phishing - a match made in heaven Phishing is the number one delivery vehicle for ransomware...

Emails Reported as Malicious Reach Four-Quarter High in Q3

The volume of malicious emails reported in corporate inboxes has reached a four-quarter high, according to the latest data from Fortra's PhishLabs.

The Four 'C's of Security

Why the Three 'C's of Cybersecurity is arguably missing a very important 'C,' and why it is vital to an solid cybersecurity solution.

Heads up! New Canadian Data Privacy Act is Around the Corner

The time to prepare to meet soon-to-be-enacted Canadian data privacy regulations is now. Around the world, the awareness of the need to protect the privacy rights of individuals, including the access, transparency, and security of personal information has never been higher.

Paying the Piper: What We Learned From the British Airways Fine

Protecting your data using Clearswift’s Secure Web Gateway solution and Secure ICAP Gateway deployed in both forward- and reverse-proxy modes and used to mitigate advanced threats on web pages. It also helps keep your business compliant.

Cyber Threats & Technology Tips That Your Business Can’t Ignore

As new threats are introduced into the cyberscape as well as evolved traditional threats, businesses need to be more prepared than ever for a data breach and have the latest tools in place to mitigate risks.

GDPR and the Insider Threat: How New Regulations are Changing Our Data Handling Habits

Clearswift’s Adaptive Data Loss Prevention (A-DLP) solution has the ability to inspect all content coming in and going out of the organization – whether through email or the web – to prevent any sensitive information being shared or exposed unauthorized. The document sanitization and adaptive redaction features ensure that GDPR compliance is upheld by scanning all emails and documents flowing in and out of the business, detecting and removing only the critical information which could cause a data breach.

Cloud Storage, File Sharing Apps and GDPR: This Could Get Ugly Fast!

Cloud storage services and file sharing apps such as Dropbox, Box, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive are so widely adopted by employees—knowingly or unknowingly by their IT departments—that most don’t think twice about using them to share corporate information.

The GDPR Deadline is Here – So What Next?

It’s finally here, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in full effect. Is that a sigh of relief I hear? Well, it shouldn’t be too heavy a sigh, there’s still work to be done. The first thing to remember is that just because it’s the 25th May, doesn’t mean GDPR efforts are over. In fact, there should be a bigger push than ever to ensure your organization is compliant and remains compliant going forwards.

GDPR - It’s Not Just for Europe: Protection of Data at the World Cup in Russia, Tokyo Olympics, and Beyond

With the World Cup in Russia this summer and the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020 further down the line; organizations conducting business around the event will face unprecedented challenges with cybersecurity and data protection. With the rise in data breaches in recent times, it might not be too strong to say that the success of these major international events relies upon the whole country being data security conscious. Everything from local hotels to travel agents and tour operators will process increasingly large quantities of customer data, including credit card details, making them ripe targets for cybercriminals. This personally identifiable data (PII) will include EU citizen data and so will need to be protected as per the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Getting Ready for GDPR: Key Actions to Ensure Your Organization is Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s largest and most significant cross-border regulation comes into effect in May 2018. Organizations and businesses operating in the EU are racing to make changes and implement new technologies in order to become compliant. With varying performance across sectors in the race to GDPR readiness, you don’t want to be left in the dust.Clearswift’s...

Right to be Forgotten Requests: How to Ensure Your Business Doesn’t Grind to Halt

GDPR is the most comprehensive data protection legislation to date and it's revolutionizing the information security landscape. The impending enforcement of the regulation is forcing organizations to understand, and transform, the way they collect, process and store data. One of the most challenging aspects of the legislation is the ‘right to be forgotten’ (RTBF), the ruling that dictates...