

Think Your Encrypted Email Is Secure? It Might Be. . . Or Not!

When sending out an email, a lot can go wrong. To get around that, many people encrypt. And that’s a great solution. But a lot can go wrong with that, too.Is the answer to this to start delivering all your messages by hand or pigeon carrier? No. But it certainly involves having a multi-dimensional view of what it is to send a fully secure email and an understanding of the ways in which we can mess...

Best Practices for Using Secure Encrypted Email in Business

Attackers increasingly use sophisticated methods to spy on your emails directly, which is why the very information contained therein needs to be encrypted. This is defense in depth, not only protecting your email from without but securing it from within.

How Fortra's Clearswift Secure Email Gateway Aligns to NCSC's Email Security Guidelines

Working in cybersecurity is one of the most challenging roles in the organisation. Not only are you tasked with keeping the business and its data safe and secure, but you must do so in the face of ever-increasing professionalism and sophistication on the part of cybercriminals.There are more threats than ever before, and the consequences of a data breach are more significant too. In recent Fortra...

Holiday Season Triggers Rise in Counterfeit Activity

Counterfeit activity increases every year during the pre-holiday shopping blitz -- most notably Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas and Hanukkah. Arm yourself with defenses now to combat ever-evolving counterfeiting methods during peak retail shopping season.

Emails Reported as Malicious Reach Four-Quarter High in Q3

The volume of malicious emails reported in corporate inboxes has reached a four-quarter high, according to the latest data from Fortra's PhishLabs.

2022 Data Privacy Week – Education and Inspiration

As the world becomes more and more dependent on online resources to complete daily tasks, such as work meetings, grocery shopping, and even exercising, the risk of cyber attacks, data breaches, and information stealing increases. If you’re not already protecting your personal information online, now is the perfect time to start, as Data Privacy Weeks kicks off today. Led by the National Cyber...

What Is Email Phishing? Protect Your Enterprise

Phishing emails can steal sensitive data and cost companies' their reputation. However, protecting a company from these scammers doesn't need to be difficult. What Is Email Phishing? Phishing is when an attacker mimics a trusted person or brand in an attempt to steal sensitive information, or gain a foothold inside a company network. While phishing emails are by far the most popular, these...

Heads up! New Canadian Data Privacy Act is Around the Corner

The time to prepare to meet soon-to-be-enacted Canadian data privacy regulations is now. Around the world, the awareness of the need to protect the privacy rights of individuals, including the access, transparency, and security of personal information has never been higher.

Today’s Email Encryption Options. Which One is Right For You?

Email encryption is the process of encrypting or disguising the content of email messages, protecting sensitive information from being read by anyone other than the intended recipient. With the continual evolution and enforcement of data protection laws, email encryption is more necessary than ever before to protect sensitive data from being exposed unauthorized and to mitigate the risk of data breaches occurring.

M&As Put Your Company at Risk for BEC Losses and Data Breach Liability

Mergers and acquisitions can build your company's value overnight, but business email compromise (BEC) and data breaches can tear it down just as quickly. Too often, M&A announcements are followed by waves of BEC attacks against the companies involved, or by news that the target company was the victim of a data breach. To get the most value from a merger or acquisition, you need to know how to...