One of the great things about a conference like BlackHat is that it gives people like me the opportunity to take a step back, get out of the specific back alleyways of cybersecurity that we usually inhabit, and take a broader, more holistic look at attack and defense. One concept that's been talked about for a while is the Cyber Kill Chain. It takes a military-theoretical approach to network asset defense that can be quite valuable.

So you’ve heard a lot about this new thing called DMARC, but don’t totally understand what to do? You are at the right place! After all, at Agari we are the DMARC guys. (Someone said this to me at a conference recently. I think it deserves a t-shirt. ☺) If you take a few minutes to read on, we will help you understand why you should publish your business’ first DMARC record.

With the data breaches of 2013 bringing cybercrime into the spotlight, one thing has become astoundingly clear – cybercriminals are waging a war and are pulling into the lead. Email plays a key role in this war because email is the single easiest way for criminals to target an individual. Recent breaches have seen criminals sell off that personal information, such as email addresses, home addresses, mobile numbers, credentials, and then use that information to launch a multitude of attacks — phishing attacks, identity theft, or creating bank accounts in someone else’s name.