SFT Threat Protection Helps Credit Card Company Securely Transfer Files

For Mercury® Financial, the largest non-bank credit card company in the U.S., a secure file transfer solution is essential. As a current user of GoAnywhere Managed File Transfer (MFT), they rely on the security and flexibility of Fortra solutions to transfer files securely and efficiently. Fortra’s Clearswift Secure ICAP Gateway (SIG) was the perfect pairing to add threat protection to their secure file transfer solution when their current data loss prevention (DLP) solution was slowing them down.

Comprehensive Compliance

Protecting consumer information is a critical component of customer service for any financial institution – and a key driver of reputation risk.  On top of this, it’s no secret that financial institutions must adhere to strict compliance regulations, which can be tricky to understand and costly to violate. Among the most notable Mercury Financial must comply with as an organization that handles credit card information is the recently updated Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Therefore, it was important not only for Mercury Financial to transfer its files securely but also for the data within those files to be compliant and well protected. 

Mercury Financial relied on GoAnywhere MFT to transfer its sensitive data safely and securely and knew that pairing a solution from Fortra would capture all threats and ensure servers handled only the intended information.

Clearswift SIG solution allows Mercury Financial to augment the security of critical information flowing through the infrastructure while applying industry compliance data protection standards. When paired with Clearswift SIG, the sensitive data being transferred is protected from data loss, accidental data exposure, and threats. 

“The granular levels of control were appealing,” said Vishakh Lakshmikanth, Head of Cloud Engineering at Mercury Financial explained, “Clearswift allows us to apply nimble, yet impactful policies that internal and external constituents benefit from when it comes to sharing files across teams or with vendors.”

Swiftly Secure

The speed at which Clearswift SIG protects data positively impacted Mercury Financial’s productivity. Mercury Financial more than doubled its number of weekly file transfers, going from more than 500 files a week with their previous DLP solution to nearly 1,300 files weekly with the combination of MFT and the SIG.

“Clearswift is doing what it’s supposed to do,” said James Weaver, Cloud Engineer at Mercury Financial. “It catches what we need, and we are more secure because of it.”

SIG features that add significant data security include data redaction, document sanitization, optical character recognition, and structural sanitization. Clearswift automatically provides malware and virus detection and protection.

A Perfect Pairing

Having the file transfer protection of GoAnywhere MFT combined with the threat protection and content inspection of Clearswift SIG gives Mercury Financial the security it needs to stay compliant and safeguard sensitive data with one trusted partner. 

“Clearswift and GoAnywhere are from the same vendor and are meant to be compatible. This makes the process - straightforward and streamlined,” said Dlaine Miley, Sr. Cloud Security Engineer at Mercury Financial, about adding Clearswift SIG to its existing GoAnywhere MFT. 

Having an integrated data protection pairing makes file transfers a breeze. 

“This solution provides transparency for content inspection without any blind spots,” said Miley. 

Avoid the worries of “blind spots” in secure file transfers with a consistently proactive approach like Mercury Financial. 

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