

How to Defend Against Stegomalware

Stegomalware is still a relatively unknown term but is becoming more widely leveraged in malware. So you need to know about this semi-low-tech, yet innovative tactic that is imperceptible to the human eye.

What You Need to Know About Stegomalware

It all sounds like the stuff of Sherlock Holmes or “Mission Impossible”, but steganographic malware, or stegomalware for short, is a real thing that broadly describes a host of tactics used to hide data in plain sight.

March Madness Challenge for Cybersecurity Professionals

Let the "madness" begin! The NCAA Basketball tournament is different for everyone. Some experience madness after a gut-wrenching triple overtime victory by their alma mater, while others after a buzzer-beater shot from half-court by a 16th-ranked Cinderella underdog that instantly knocks out one of your final four selections. However, to me there is nothing more maddening, in the delightful sense...

Next-Generation Cyber Threats: Images

Traditional Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology provides protection against the traditional threat of someone trying to send a file to an unauthorized individual, but it required a step change to enable Adaptive Data Loss Prevention with Deep Content Inspection (DCI) to address threats such as ransomware that is delivered embedded in innocuous-looking documents. Clearswift delivered our first version of Adaptive Redaction in 2013 and have continuously improved the technology in every release since then.