

Think Your Encrypted Email Is Secure? It Might Be. . . Or Not!

When sending out an email, a lot can go wrong. To get around that, many people encrypt. And that’s a great solution. But a lot can go wrong with that, too.Is the answer to this to start delivering all your messages by hand or pigeon carrier? No. But it certainly involves having a multi-dimensional view of what it is to send a fully secure email and an understanding of the ways in which we can mess...

Best Practices for Using Secure Encrypted Email in Business

Attackers increasingly use sophisticated methods to spy on your emails directly, which is why the very information contained therein needs to be encrypted. This is defense in depth, not only protecting your email from without but securing it from within.

Harrowing Tales of Social Engineering Attacks from the Trenches

The social engineering attacks that businesses are seeing today – from hiding payloads in files to commit fraud, to quishing and smishing – and what can be done about them.

How to Defend Against Stegomalware

Stegomalware is still a relatively unknown term but is becoming more widely leveraged in malware. So you need to know about this semi-low-tech, yet innovative tactic that is imperceptible to the human eye.

What You Need to Know About Stegomalware

It all sounds like the stuff of Sherlock Holmes or “Mission Impossible”, but steganographic malware, or stegomalware for short, is a real thing that broadly describes a host of tactics used to hide data in plain sight.

Photo Security: Why a Picture Is Worth a Thousand Files

Communication through photos and short videos have now become commonplace with applications like Instagram and TikTok. While this popular use of imagery feels safe, many may not realize that photos can also be used to inconspicuously share data or carry out a ransomware cyberattack. Explore the threats of steganography and why ignoring it can be a significant email security mistake.

New Encryption Guidance Published by UK’s Information Commissioner

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office published update guidance on encryption on 3rd March 2016, amidst concerns that there was a general lack of understanding of how and when to use encryption. It is the lack of appropriate technical measures, such as the use of encryption that has led to a significant number of fines issued in the UK since 2010. There is a risk of bigger fines with the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation. Organisations need to be prepared!

Preparing for the Inevitable: A Guide to Handling a Data Breach

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are now so widespread that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ your organization gets hit. According to the UK Government’s latest Cyber Security Breaches Survey, nearly seven in ten large businesses identified a breach or attack in the past year. When taking into consideration all sizes of businesses in the UK, nearly half had suffered a breach or attack. The...

What Is Adaptive Data Loss Prevention?

There’s a bewildering volume of data in modern business. IDC has predicted that by 2025, there will be 175 zettabytes of data in the world, a figure that's almost impossible to conceive. While this data will not be of interest to many people, there will be some that is highly prized indeed.Data has become highly valuable IP for many organizations, and the need to keep it protected from cyber...