

March Madness Challenge for Cybersecurity Professionals

Let the "madness" begin! The NCAA Basketball tournament is different for everyone. Some experience madness after a gut-wrenching triple overtime victory by their alma mater, while others after a buzzer-beater shot from half-court by a 16th-ranked Cinderella underdog that instantly knocks out one of your final four selections. However, to me there is nothing more maddening, in the delightful sense...

The Four 'C's of Security

Why the Three 'C's of Cybersecurity is arguably missing a very important 'C,' and why it is vital to an solid cybersecurity solution.

Hiding Malware Inside Images

We recently wrote a blog about the Clearswift Information Governance Server and using Microsoft’s File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) to add custom document properties to documents which the Clearswift Secure Gateways can act upon. These properties are also called ‘meta-data’, and in a recent article published in the media, there was a discussion about how malware has been found hidden inside the...

Heads up! New Canadian Data Privacy Act is Around the Corner

The time to prepare to meet soon-to-be-enacted Canadian data privacy regulations is now. Around the world, the awareness of the need to protect the privacy rights of individuals, including the access, transparency, and security of personal information has never been higher.

New Encryption Guidance Published by UK’s Information Commissioner

The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office published update guidance on encryption on 3rd March 2016, amidst concerns that there was a general lack of understanding of how and when to use encryption. It is the lack of appropriate technical measures, such as the use of encryption that has led to a significant number of fines issued in the UK since 2010. There is a risk of bigger fines with the introduction of the new General Data Protection Regulation. Organisations need to be prepared!

Public Sector Cybersecurity Priorities in 2021

The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed working patterns for good. What are the implications for public sector organizations and what can they do to improve their cybersecurity posture?

File Transfer Solutions Emerge as a Key Technology for the Age of Collaboration

We live and work in an era with more collaboration than ever before. Organizational structures are flatter, the world is smaller, and it is commonplace to work together with colleagues, partners, customers, suppliers, and many other stakeholders on a wide variety of projects.Furthermore, technology has emerged that makes such collaboration easy. It is as straightforward to work on a PowerPoint...

Paying the Piper: What We Learned From the British Airways Fine

Protecting your data using Clearswift’s Secure Web Gateway solution and Secure ICAP Gateway deployed in both forward- and reverse-proxy modes and used to mitigate advanced threats on web pages. It also helps keep your business compliant.

Like, Share and Destroy: How to Protect Your Business From the Social Media Threat

Social media is now the window to any business. 83% of organizations use social media as a marketing tactic, making it the most popular marketing tool. It is updated far more regularly than any website and businesses build a following based on publishing engaging content regularly. While businesses see the importance of using social media to quickly build their brand and reputation, there has been little emphasis on the downside to this. How social media can destroy a company’s reputation in an instant.

Website Skimming is on the Rise and Your Organization Needs to Be Prepared

Last month, British Airways was hacked and 380,000 payment details were stolen. In the immediate aftermath, the question on everyone’s minds was, in the era of GDPR, whether the airline would see a substantial fine. While there have been a number of breaches since the introduction of the EU regulation, what was different in this instance was that the incident ticked every box in regards to...

Preparing for the Inevitable: A Guide to Handling a Data Breach

Cyber-attacks and data breaches are now so widespread that it isn’t a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ your organization gets hit. According to the UK Government’s latest Cyber Security Breaches Survey, nearly seven in ten large businesses identified a breach or attack in the past year. When taking into consideration all sizes of businesses in the UK, nearly half had suffered a breach or attack. The...

Tips to Protect the Potential Next Target of the Financial Sector – Trading Apps

The media landscape today continues to share stories of the increased cyber vulnerabilities in mobile applications. While banks have had many years to develop and tailor their apps to respond to various security issues, with increased security around detecting fraudulent use, trading apps from smaller businesses have flown under the radar and missed out on improved security. Although cyber...

USBs: The Inconspicuous Enemy

At around three centimetres in length and weighing less than 30 grams on average, the USB flash drive would appear to be a relatively innocuous storage device, but losing or inserting an unknown USB into a personal or company computer could have devastating consequences. With over 22,000 USB sticks being left in the pockets of clothing sent to Britain’s dry cleaners, alone last year, we thought it valuable to outline the dangers of the simple USB and how individuals and organizations alike can protect against the potential cyber weaknesses they can bring about.